KEMI to train private school managers

By Tindi Kuchio

The Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) will partner with Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) to roll out training programmes for private school managers in the country.
Speaking during the official launch of the partnership a couple of days ago in Nairobi, KEMI Director Grace Ngaca said the journey of developing the programme began about two years ago when KPSA requested KEMI to consider developing a capacity building programme suitable for the private schools’ managers.
She revealed that a joint technical team was then constituted to spearhead the development of the programme.
“This Partnership consists of four courses in one programme where we have designed a course for each of the following categories: directors, head teachers, teachers and administrators. The capacity building programme is ,therefore, tailor-made to suit the management requirements of private institutions of learning,” explained Ngaca.
She noted that some of the topics covered include Legal and Policy Framework of Education, Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning, Project Management, 21st Century Leadership, Marketing of Education Institutions, Stress Management, Human Resource Management, Financial Management and Quality Management.
Ngaca reiterated that the major function of KEMI was to strengthen the managerial capacity of various cadres of educational personnel through capacity development and research as a measure towards enhancing access, equity and quality of education.
She further noted that the institute had well equipped Information and Communications Technology (ICT) labs, conference facilities such as training rooms, halls and hospitality services, adding that they also offer printing press services for production of training materials for the institute and for commercial purposes.
The KEMI Council Chair Prof. Eunice Mutitu, who was also present during the launch, reminded participants that her agency had the express mandate of the Ministry of Education to build capacity of education managers, conduct research and consultancy for the enhancement of quality and relevant education in the country.
“In the execution of this mandate, the institute has designed training programmes targeting education managers at various levels and aimed at enhancing their knowledge and skills to enable them manage education institutions effectively. The training programmes are designed to address the skill gaps among the education managers,” she said.
The Council Chair revealed that the title of the programme for managers of private schools was “Schools of Excellence Course” whose general objective was to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of managers of education institutions for effective management.
She urged managers of private schools to further involve KEMI in matters relating to research and consultancy in educational management.
“You could make use of our research findings to inform your decision making or partner with us in conducting research in your areas of concern. There is also an opportunity to engage us in education management consultancy especially areas like strategic planning, performance contracting and conducting surveys among others,” she concluded.
The Director General, State Department of Early Learning and Basic Education, Elyas Abdi lauded the role played by the Kenya Private Schools Association in the provision of education in the country.
In a speech read on his behalf by Milton Mokar- the Director of Teacher Education and ECDE, Abdi noted that the establishment of Kenya Private Schools Association was in line with the letter and spirit of the constitution of ensuring access to education for all children.
He acknowledged that education was an important human activity, adding that it was born with the birth of the human race and shall, therefore, continue to function as long as the human race lives.
“With provision of education, humanity reduces poverty, increases economic growth and reduces the damages caused by diseases. In sum, education is one of the most important investments a country can make in its people and its future,” observed Abdi.
He further noted that the Ministry of Education had in the recent years, undertaken reforms to ensure quality and relevant education that was accessible to all children, adding that the reforms were in tandem with international and regional trends to which Kenya had committed as a member of the global community.
Abdi reminded participants that KPSA training programme had been specifically designed to upgrade the members’ competencies to enable them execute their role in private learning institutions of providing quality and lifelong learning.
“The launch of this training programme demonstrates the collaborative effort between the Ministry of Education and providers of education in the private sector in ensuring quality learning in our institutions. This timely move is expected to transform management practices in private institutions of learning and greatly improve performance,” he concluded.
Present during the event were the KPSA National chairperson, Mutheu Kasanga, secretary Charles Ochome, the association’s Chief Executive Officer Peter Ndolo and several directors of private schools drawn from all corners of the republic.

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