Keep a close eye on your children during half-term, parents told

Parents have been asked to be close to their children during the mid-term short break to bond with them and prevent them from indulging in vices such as alcohol and drug abuse.

Speaking in Nyamira town, Reverend Ibrahim Ombuya of the Church of God blamed vendors of wines and spirits who sold their products to students and warned them that if found they will face the law.

The cleric asked parents to follow up on assignments given to their children and commit them to finish them instead of roaming in the streets.

Rev. Ombuya further asked churches to create youth-friendly environments to attract them into activities which will engage them constructively.

His message was echoed by KUPPET Kisii branch Executive Secretary Joseph Abincha who asked parents to encourage their children to indulge in education related activities during the break.

Abincha, who spoke at St. Patrick’s Mosocho High School during the closure of the Kisii County Music Festivals, said that parents stand a better chance of identifying the potential of their children.

One of the schools from Kisii County in a traditional folk dance at St. Patrick’s Mosocho Secondary School. Photo Enock Okong’o.

He reiterated that parents should be able to know their children properly instead of leaving everything to the teachers.

The KUPPET boss lauded Kisij School Principal Fred Mogaka for his involvement in supporting the holistic development of students.

By Enock Okong’o

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