KCSE off to a good start as safety is assured in Kisii

There are 33,000 KCSE candidates in Kisii County, including 3 inmates.

KCSE examinations kicked off smoothly in Kisii County, with 33,000 candidates sitting it.

Speaking at the opening of the examination containers, Kisii Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Wilberforce Kilonzo assured the public of their children and examination’s safety.

“Our security officers have laid adequate measures to enhance smooth running of the examinations,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kisii Prisons and Correctional Services registered 4 candidates, but 3 turned up for the examinations.

According to the officer in charge of welfare at the facility Thomas Ogachi, the candidates had been given ample time to revise for the examinations.

Elijah Nyabonda Michira, one of the candidates, said he was optimistic he will pass with flying colours having been helped to revise by the officers.

“I had an easy time as officers coached and helped me with relevant books to revise and I hope I will pass with flying colours,” he said.

By Enock Okong’o

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