KCSE candidates urged to stay calm as exams beckon

Kakamega high school principal Dr.Julius Mambili with Rev Dan Opati the school chaplain in brown.

Kakamega High School KCSE candidates have been urged to remain calm and focused as they await their date with destiny in less than two weeks’ time.

Speaking during the school’s prayer day, the principal Julius Mambili said candidates should revise all that teachers have taught them for they will surely come in the exams.

Dr. Mambili said the 558 candidates are looking very composed and calm as they have been fed a lot of content and exposed to numerous examinations, including mocks.

Rev Dan Opati, school chaplain and head of guiding and counseling, said the candidates have hopes of posting excellent results.

The candidates kneeling down in a prayer session led by Rev Dan Opati

He praised the principal for his open style of leadership that has attracted the attention of alumni who have come together to give the school a facelift and sponsor some needy students.

With their target mean set at 9.5, there is a lot of confidence that it will be achieved.

By Hilda Atika

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