KCSE candidates to get Government training opportunities

By Our Correspondent

The Government has provided wide-ranging educational and training opportunities for who those sitting Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams, the Principal Secretary for Early Learning and Basic Education, Dr. Julius Jwan have said.

Dr. Jwan said that high school education opens students to academic, professional, vocation and educational training and urged current KCSE candidates to ensure they had post-secondary education and training experience.

“Make sure you get a chance to advance,” the PS advised students at Mary Leakey Girls Secondary School in Kabete Sub-County, Kiambu County today.

Dr. Jwan had visited the school as part of the ongoing supervision of the KCSE examinations. The Principal Secretary was flanked by the area Deputy County Commissioner, Mr. Okaka Etiang and the area Sub county Director for Education, Mrs. Lucy Irungu.

The Principal of the School, Mrs. Beth Nduta said her students were well motivated and behaved.

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