KCPE candidates urged to mark their success beyond just academic achievements

Students of Sawa Education Excellent Center Pose For a Photo with the headteacher George Mwangi Murungi

The Head teacher of Sawa Excellent Education Centre George Mwangi Murungi has sent a message of good wishes to the school’s KCPE candidates, highlighting to them the importance of celebrating success beyond mere academic achievements.

Recognizing their hard work and dedication, Murungi emphasized the significance of their collective journey throughout the KCPE period and acknowledged each of them for their exceptional accomplishments.

“The knowledge gained, the friendships forged, and the personal development experienced during your time at the institution are equally valuable and we wish you all the best in your examinations,” he said.

He encouraged them to remain steadfast in pursuing their dreams and aspirations, reminding them that their future is filled with immense potential for greatness.

With a firm belief in the candidates’ capabilities, Murungi expressed his confidence that they will continue to shine not only academically but also in all aspects of life.

He extended his warmest wishes to all KCPE candidates countrywide.

By Macharia Kiarie

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