Kasina primary school alumna donates geometrical set to candidates

By Lydia Ngoolo 

An Alumna at Kasina primary school in Mwingi sub county has donated 144 geometrical sets to standard eight pupils and extended her generosity to the neighboring school Mwingi primary.

Dorcas Mbeke Musyoka who left the school in 2001, and later became a teacher said she was touched and understands the two schools better, where many parents are unable to provide basic needs to their children despite being located in Mwingi town.

Mbeke, who is also aspiring to be Mwingi Central MCA said education will be one of her top items in her manifesto if elected as a leader.

” I wanted to make the children smile and have geometrical sets which is one of the requirements for the candidates especially in mathematics. Mostly some borrow from friends and might misplace it then fail  to pay the owner as well due to poverty. This time round they will seat for their exams with their own geometric sets,” she added. 

Due to limited resources, she said she could not reach all the schools around, but with time she will do so. 

She called upon parents to ensure their children join  secondary school as per the government’s initiative of 100 percent transition to secondary schools and commended the government for its efforts ensure all children access education.

She urged the government to make sure the schools are funded at the right time for smooth running of the schools.

Kasina primary school head teacher, Stella Maris Muoki expressed her joy for the support, adding that  the school is optimistic of more than 35 candidates scoring 300 marks and above out of the 76 candidates.

“I’m also optimistic at least five of my pupils will score more than 400 marks. They have worked hard and we have been revising thoroughly, therefore, we wish them all the best,” said Muoki.

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