Kasarani residents call for denominational prayers to curb suicide cases

By Njoroge Ndung’u

Residents of Kasarani village in Elburgon, Nakuru county have called for denominational prayers in order to curb the ongoing suicide incidents in the area.

Their calls come after a standard eight candidate committed suicide after arriving home from school. Another Grade Five pupil committed suicide using his school tie in the same village.

Daniel Kimani, the father of the grade five pupil, said he received a call from his wife Teresiah Warenga informing him about the sad news.

“My son looked happy. I do not understand why he committed suicide,” said Kimani, adding that the victim was a hardworking, polite and humble boy whom he entrusted at his tailoring business.

Area Assistant Chief Steve Mwangi confirmed the incident saying the body of Naftali Mungai was found dangling from the roof with a suicidal note hanging on his neck.

In the note that was seen by Education News, the victim had requested one of his friends and a classmate, Jeremiah Nyoro to read his eulogy during his funeral.

The words “I love all my entire family,” were part of the suicide note.

William Omweri, a church elder at SDA Church in Elburgon said parents needed to have more time with their children.He also stressed on the need for guidance and counselling forums in schools.

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