Karauri raises alarm over school dropout rates

By John Majau

Former Assistant Minister for Education Adams Karauri has raised the red flag over the high rate of school dropout in some parts of the country.
He said it is wrong for students to drop out of school on flimsy grounds, noting that many youth are opting to engage in drug and alcohol abuse, boda boda trade, betting, immorality, crime and other vices at the expense of education.
He noted that if the trend is left to continue unchecked, it will be rare or impossible to find a credible person who qualifies for a leadership position due to lack of the mandatory academic qualifications. Karauri regretted that some students have gone to the extent of dropping out of school due to petty and unfounded reasons with some even going to an extent of refusing to report to school on allegations that their parents have refused to buy them some necessities.
Speaking at Ankamia Primary School in Tigania East constituency of the Meru County while being accompanied by the area MP Gichunge Kabeabea, the former assistant minister advised them to take advantage of available resources in the area by studying hard in school in a bid to excel in the national examinations before seeking for employment and leadership positions.

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