Kapsabet Boys student wins National Maths contest, receives two scholarships

By Wasike Elvis

Johnson Musungu, a form four student from Kapsabet Boys High School in Nandi emerged the best student in the National Mathematics contest.

The event was held on Saturday September 27, 2022 and over two hundred schools across the country attended the event. 3,000 people participated in the competition.

Musungu received two scholarships: one from Grace International Educational and Counseling Group to study in Australia at the University of his choice and the other at Strathmore University   for a four year period.

Musungu scored 16 out of the possible 20 marks.

He revealed that he won the contest through hard work practice and determination.

“I’m very happy to get the two scholarships to study abroad in the 2023 academic year courtesy of Grace International Educational and Counseling Group and Strathmore University.   I didn’t expect to be the winner   because the competition was tough but I believed in myself and succeeded,” he said.

Johnson Musungu from Kapsabet Boys recieving scholarship from Migeri Marcos from Strathmore University

Kipchumba Korir Ezekiel, the coordinator of Kapsabet National Mathematics contest, said they organized the contest to demystify the notion that mathematics is a challenge.

“During the competitions, we ensure that students from different schools share experiences and that they are motivated by different mentors. The best student is awarded,” he said.

He added that they will expand the contest to ensure more schools countrywide participate.

Grace International Regional Director Abednego Paul said they will continue partnering with Kapsabet Boys High School in sponsoring students to go abroad.

“Musungu will study a technological course from an advanced Diploma in information technology then he can specialize in cyber security and telecommunication. We will continue partnering with Kapsabet Boys High School in this event for the entire study period for us to nurture more students,” he said.

In the boys junior category, the top three schools were Kapsabet Boys, Nairobi School then Nakuru High.

In the girls junior category, the top three schools were Kipsigis Girls, Moi Girls Eldoret and Nakuru Girls.

Among the day schools category, Sigot Mixed was ranked first then St Monica and Kapsaoa took the second and third positions respectively.

In the boys senior category, the top three schools were Kapsabet Boys, Maseno School and Nakuru High.

In the girls senior category, the top three schools were Kipsigis Girls, Moi Forces Lanet and Moi Girls Eldoret.

The best two schools in the senior mixed category were Kamagut High School and Sangalo Secondary School.

Kapsabet Boys, Nairobi School and Nakuru High School were ranked at position one, two and three respectively in the best junior school overall positions.

In the senior schools category, Kapsabet Boys and Nakuru High maintained position one and three respectively and Maseno School was ranked position two.

Kapsabet Boys was ranked the best school overally. Nakuru High School and Nairobi School took position two and three respectively.

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