Kangundo candidates who passed KCPE exams to receive full scholarship

Dr. Vincent Kituku, Founder and Director of Caring Hearts High School. Photo by Gastone Valusi.

Standard 8 candidates from needy families in Kangundo sub-county who performed well in the 2023 KCPE exams will receive full scholarships from Caring Hearts and Hands of Hope, a USA-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

Founder and Director of Caring Hearts High School Dr. Vincent Kituku said that only qualified students will be invited for an interview this week at the school in Kathithyamaa, Matungulu Constituency before joining in January next year.

Dr. Kituku said that their mission was to see needy students complete their secondary school and university education.

“My aim is to make a difference to bright children from needy families,” he said.

Dr. Kituku has been sponsoring students from needy families for years and his school is credited for producing some of the best intellectuals in the county and beyond.

By Gastone Valusi

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