Kanduyi MP to take all teenage hawkers in Bungoma town back to school


Kanduyi Member of Parliament John Makali has plans in place to have all teenagers involved in hawking on the streets of Kanduyi town taken back to school.

The MP said, together with other partners he has developed a plan to ensure that no teenager is found on the streets hawking items instead of being in school.

Makali further said that there were many learners who move along Bungoma town streets hawking items arguing that it is something that creates a bad impression.

In an Interview with Education News, Makali said his office is ready to ensure that each and every learner continues with Education without interruptions.

“The children we have now should not go through the kind of life I see along Bungoma streets whenever I pass,” he said.

The Ford Kenya MP attributed hawking to the increased teenage pregnancies in Bungoma County, noting that all learners should be given an opportunity to be in school.

“Education is the only equalizer that can bring together both the children of the poor and the rich,” he said.

In addition, Makali pointed out that his NG-CDF office has partnered with the Kenya Literature Bureau (KBL) and Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology to ensure quality Education.

He said that KLB will supply Kanduyi schools with books while Sang’alo Institute will sponsor learners with scholarships to pursue different courses at the Institute.

He said that last year Kanduyi produced the top Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams calling on the teachers and parents to continue supporting the schools so that Kanduyi shines once again.

Makali blamed parents who stay at home and assign minors with duties to hawk items on town streets saying that it is not the responsibility of the learner to look for fess but the parent.

“Parents have handed over some duties to their children, please make sure you provide for your children while in school,” he said.

Makali said that his office will work with the Ministry of Education to organize Education days where the best-performing schools, students, and the most improved schools will be given presents to motivate others to work harder.

Catherine Wambilianga, Bungoma County Woman MP said that teenage pregnancies in Bungoma are the major hindrance to best performance.

To help address the teenage pregnancy issue, Wambilianga said that the Members of parliament are currently seeking a bill to introduce basic health education in the curriculum.

She said if the bill is passed and becomes a law it will help solve uncertainties in schools as it will give opportunity to both parents and teachers to teach learners about sexual education with fear.

The Woman rep asked schools not to keep learners in school but instead give them opportunities to take part in co-curriculum activities.

Wambilianga also decried low NGAAF funding to the offices of County Women MP’s offices calling on the MP’s to come up with a law seeking to increase the funding.

“Currently I’m receiving Ksh. 6 million which I need to share equally in the 45 wards in Bungoma which is not enough therefore I appeal to the MPs to come up with a law to increase the NGAAF funding,” Wambilianga said.

According to the Ministry of Education Report 2021, 15,800 learners in Bungoma County dropped out of school.

Bungoma Deputy Governor Janepher Mbatiany said the huge number of dropouts has raised concerns among the community, the Ministry of Education, and other stakeholders.

“As a county, we are very annoyed with the report we received from the Ministry of Education indicating that 15,680 learners dropped out of school,” Mbatiany said.

She added, “Please parents be careful with your children don’t let them drop out of school they are the future generation,”

Bungoma Education CEC Dr. David Wamamili said that many parents have developed an attitude and want to abscond family duties and transfer them to the government.

“We are not complaining about parents seeking the government for support but instead they should discharge their duties accordingly,” Wamamili said.

By Our reporter

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