Kakamega’s Catholic sister schools fly high in KCPE

By Andanje Wakhungu

Father Vincent Sanga of Malava Parish has lauded schools under their administration for performing exemplary in the 2021 Kenya certificate of primary education (KCPE)

Sanga particularly praised Notre Dame Education Centre Malava and its sister institution St. Teresa’s Isanjiro primary school under their management where the candidates performed well in the exams.

He attributed the good results to discipline and good doctrine instilled in the pupils adding that as a church they will continue supporting the institutions for better results.

Sanga made the remarks when he hosted jubilant 2021 KCPE candidates and staff of Notre dame education Centre who visited him at the parish to appreciate his support for them.

The head teacher said that it was through sheer hard work from all the stakeholders that the school managed to register the good results.

She revealed that Vanessa Munyasa Ingado scored 407 marks to emerge top at Notre dame education followed closely by Bradley Watson Juma who scored 403 marks adding, the institution registered a mean score of 357.32 representing a positive deviation of 68 per cent.

She revealed that 15 candidates had 300 marks and above with the least performer garnering 277 marks.

On their part, the top candidates Ingado and Juma revealed that it was through dedication to their studies and gods power that they registered the results

At St. Teresa Isanjiro Primary School, the senior master Johnstone Mulunda Waithaka confirmed that indeed the school had improved from having 14 candidates who scored 400 and above marks to 18 in number with the top student scoring 408 marks and the last candidate scoring 240 marks with the school mean improving from 349 to 355.

St Teresa Isanjiro celebrate after producing a candidate with 408 marks and 18 of them scoring 400 and above.

 He said the school has been doing well in the past and attributed the good performance to the commitment of teachers, discipline among the candidates and the staunch catholic faith that has played a pivotal role in shaping and instilling spiritual nourishment in the pupils.

The two second best candidates Faith Waithaka and Nelson Nelly who tied at 407 marks were full of praise to their teachers for their coveted efforts that saw them excel.

At Mary Immaculate primary school in Chimoi, celebrations were in high gear after they produced the top candidate with 417 marks pushing the school to be among the top in the Kakamega North sub county.

Also being a catholic school the private institution had 51 candidates out of which 49 excelled.

According to the school head teacher Andrew Lugulu Tandasi, the school has been doing well but this time it really improved securing itself a place in the academic platform within the sub county

He said the Covid 19 pandemic that saw schools stay at home for a long period of time was a big challenge besides the high number of candidate the school had considering the previous year they had 39 compared to 51 who sat for exam in 2021.

The board of management (BOM) Johnstone Mukonyi expressed his excitement with the results and said the good results the school posted was expected considering the energy and commitment the teachers displayed.

“We were expecting these results as reports reaching us now and then was how the teachers were burning the midnight oil to teach after after many months of children staying at home and truly it has come to pass that our efforts have been rewarded,” he said.

He thanked the parents for their commitment in fee payment that made pupils stay in school and study and singled out the church as having played a huge role in shaping the candidates accordingly.

I want to basically thank Father Eric Ndombi and sister Electeen for spiritually mentoring and moulding these kids into bright and sharp pupils and we will continue to support each other to better our results in the coming years.

Father Eric Ndombi who is in charge of the Our Lady Mary Immaculate Catholic Church Chimoi parish in the diocese of Kakamega lauded the sterling results and hailed the high levels of discipline displayed by both the teachers and pupils.

I wish to bless these children as they go out to pursue their goals, let them put God first in everything they do and all shall be well, God is much important in every sector of our lives and as a God fearing society we will go far so let us continue walking toge At Mary Immaculate primary school in Chimoi, celebrations were in high gear after they produced the top candidate with 417 marks pushing the school to be among the top in the Kakamega North sub county.

Also being a catholic school the private institution had 51 candidates out of which 49 excelled.

According to the school head teacher Andrew Lugulu Tandasi, the school has been doing well but this time it really improved securing itself a place in the academic platform within the sub county

He said the Covid 19 pandemic that saw schools stay at home for a long period of time was a big challenge besides the high number of candidate the school had considering the previous year they had 39 compared to 51 who sat for exam in 2021.

The Board of Management (BOM) Johnstone Mukonyi expressed his excitement with the results and said the good results the school posted was expected considering the energy and commitment the teachers displayed.

“We were expecting these results as reports reaching us now and then was how the teachers were burning the midnight oil to teach after after many months of children staying at home and truly it has come to pass that our efforts have been rewarded,” said Mukonyi. 

He thanked the parents for their commitment in fee payment that made pupils stay in school and study and singled out the church as having played a huge role in shaping the candidates accordingly.

“I want to basically thank Father Eric Ndombi and sister Electeen for spiritually mentoring and moulding these kids into bright and sharp pupils and we will continue to support each other to better our results in the coming years,” he added.

Father Eric Ndombi who is in charge of the Our Lady Mary Immaculate Catholic Church Chimoi parish in the diocese of Kakamega lauded the sterling results and hailed the high levels of discipline displayed by both the teachers and pupils.

I wish to bless these children as they go out to pursue their goals, let them put God first in everything they do and all shall be well, God is much important in every sector of our lives and as a God fearing society we will go far so let us continue walking together.

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