Kakamega to help local TVET colleges initiate income-generating projects


The Kakamega County Government says it is devising ways to empower their polytechnics financially to enable them run their affairs without depending on county funds.

Speaking at his boardroom in Kakamega town on Tuesday when he met a section of County Polytechnic Principals, Governor Fernandes Barasa said that Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions were currently going through tough times due to delays in release of funds from the respective county governments.

“The County Government is coming up with innovative solutions of cushioning these institutions financially in the wake of delayed disbursement of funds from the National Treasury,” he stated.

He added: “The county polytechnics play a vital role in enhancing skills, imparting knowledge and creating the right attitude in our youth before they face the job market. It is on this note that we are coming up with ways of empowering them financially through other sources other than the government.”

Barasa said that they will fund their institutions when they receive money from the national exchequer and help them initiate income-generating projects to raise some cash to run their operations especially when there are delays.

He however said the burden would not be passed on to the students and that the county administration will continue paying for their tuition.

“We are also bringing partners on board to help these institutions with ways to financially sustain themselves,” Barasa said.

By Denis Lumiti

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