Kakamega needy boy gets sponsorship to join form one

By Denis Lumiti

Lady luck has finally smiled on a needy student from Kakamega County after he got sponsored to join form one.

Warren Lukunga, a former pupil at Bukusi Primary School in Shinyalu Constituency scored 409 marks in last year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education and secured admission to Friends School Kamusinga in Bungoma County.

Warren and his mother have been seeking help from several quarters in a bid to raise fees for high school.

Businessman Fred Ikana came to the rescue of the family and offered to educate the boy up till university level.

“I heard about this case and I was touched. I will fully take over his education from now henceforth,” he said.

Ikana paid one year’s school fees for the student   and said Warren would join 79 other students he was sponsoring across schools and colleges.

“I have been to virtually all offices including Constituencies Development Fund, Women Representative and Non-Governmental Organizations in vain. I had given up on my son’s chances of joining Kamusinga,” said the mother, Isabella Shikanga.

Warren expressed his excitement and promised not to let his new parent down.

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