Kakamega County trains health promoters to tackle teen pregnancies

Kakamega govenor Fernandes Barasa leads other dignitaries in admiring the newbaby born from the newly upgraded Lumakanda facility

The County Government of Kakamega has initiated a programme aimed at educating and training community health promoters to address health-related issues, particularly those affecting teenage pregnancies.

Speaking during the launch, Governor Barasa said that this endeavor has gained importance due to the rising concerns surrounding teenage pregnancies in the region, which have largely been attributed to the lack of proper education and medical knowledge.

Additionally, Barasa said that his Government is committed to providing healthcare education to women and newborn care providers, ensuring all women are supported by well-trained professionals in emergency and obstetric care services.

Lumakanda community health promoters during the function

Barasa also noted the establishment of the county health fund in collaboration with Think Well Kenya, which will play a significant role in health financing.

Under the leadership of Cynthia Kahumbura, the County Director of Jacaranda Health, the organization is equipping and expanding maternity and newborn units in county hospitals.

The Deputy Director Dr. Job Makoyo, on behalf of the director, noted that Jacaranda Health is already providing services in 22 counties nationwide.

Jacaranda health Deputy country director Dr. Job Makoyo adddressing the public at the event

Dr. Makoyo further expressed appreciation for the service delivery redesign team’s dedicated efforts in reforming maternal health within the county and highlighted the importance of expanding and providing an emergency rescue team at hospitals to ensure the safety of mothers and their newborns during and after delivery.

The Tutunze Kakamega partners, including Jacaranda Health, Think Well, Thinkplace, and Rescue.co, have prompted the consortium to embark on the renovation of several health facilities in the county.

In the first phase of the pilot project, Butere Hospital (Butere Sub-County), Malava (Malava Sub-County), and Lumakanda (Lugari Sub-County) level four hospitals have already been improved.

The collaboration between Jacaranda Health and the County Government of Kakamega has already led to safer births and increased confidence among young mothers.

By Andanje Wakhungu

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