Kajiado unveils Ksh133B plan to transform education in county

Kajiado County Governor Joseph ole Lenku unveils the third generation County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2023-2027.

Kajiado County Government has unveiled a Ksh133.6 billion third generation County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2023-2027, which among other things will guide, harmonize and transform education within the county.

To realize this, the county will implement four broad strategic priorities, including modulated pastoralism, livable towns, mainstreaming climate change, and competitive education.

Consequently, the county will enhance access, retention and transition in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) through establishment and sustenance of feeding programmes.

It will also establish the school shamba system, construct/rehabilitate ECDE centres, purchase and distribute teaching materials, tools and equipment, and recruit additional education staff.

To enhance access, retention and transition from primary and secondary education, the county will  employ a multi-sectorial approach for stakeholders, enhance community advocacy/sensitization, strengthen monitoring and assessment of education programmes, enhance capacity building of BoMs, and  introduce reward systems/recognition for the best performing learners from public schools.

On transition in vocational training and education, the county will establish the VTC shamba system, construct and rehabilitate vocational training centres, purchase and distribute teaching materials, tools and equipment, and recruit additional instructors.

The five-year development plan was launched by Governor Joseph ole Lenku, who said  the CIDP will guide the county executive in the formation of its annual development plans, spatial plans, fiscal paper, budgets and laws meant to facilitate the realization of the county objectives of transforming Kajiado in a sustainable way.

Lenku said his administration in the period 2023-2027 targets to execute programmes/projects aimed at achieving the county’s medium term theme coined “Strengthening Economic Recovery for a Transformed and Sustainable Kajiado.”

Other key transformative programmes linked to the MTP IV and the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) are healthcare and institutional support with a focus on enhancing ICT, public finance management, and public administration.

By Obegi Malack


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