Kajiado residents demand rehabilitation of quarries after siblings drown 

A quarry pool that swallowed up two children in Nambale, Busia, a while ago. Two other siblings drowned in Gataka quarries in Kajiado North yesterday, raising concerns why these quarries are abandoned, exposing people to danger.

Kajiado North Sub-county residents have called on the County Government  of Kajiado to rehabilitate Gataka quarries after two children drowned in a pond.

The siblings, a girl aged 9 and  a boy aged 11, had gone to fetch water from one of the excavations when the accident happened.

According to eye witnesses, the girl fell into the quarry and her brother tried to rescue her. The boy was rescued  by a swimmer and rushed to a local health facility but was pronounced dead on arrival.  The girl died at the scene.


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The bodies are in Ongata Rongai mortuary in Nkaimurunya Ward.

James Kamau said this is not the first incident to happen in the area. The  dangerous Gataka quarries are always abandoned after miners finish removing  the construction stones.

Kajiado North administrator Samuel Muchiri said the county government will issue a notice to demand rehabilitation of the dumpsite.

By Obegi Malack 

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