Kaimosi Friends University fills VC position amid bitter contention

Education CS Ezekiel Machogu. His recommendation of Prof Mary Onyango as VC of Kaimosi Friends University was reversed by the courts.

Kaimosi Friends University Council has appointed Prof Peter Mwita as the new Acting Vice Chancellor (VC) few days after the court reversed the appointment of Prof Mary Abukutsa Onyango as the new VC.

In an official communiqué to staff and students signed by the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC) for Academic and Student Affairs Prof Julius Kipkemboi dated February 19, 2024, Prof Mwita, who served as DVC for Research, Innovation and Linkages at Machakos University, took over the leadership of the university effective the same date.

“We are pleased to inform all staff and students that the Council has appointed Prof, JKUAT, Peter N. Mwita as the new Acting Vice Chancellor of Kaimosi Friends University (KAFU), effective Monday February 19, 2024. Prof. Mwita brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise to his new role, having served as the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Linkages at Machakos University,” reads the memo.

However, the appointment adds a new twist to an existing standoff. Only a few days ago, the immediate former acting VC Prof Nandi Ogodo Manyasa moved to court through his lawyer Dr Martin Oloo to challenge the appointment of Prof Mary Onyango as VC, claiming that it is his rightful position as he emerged top of the interview with 80.33 points.

He was followed by two candidates, Prof James Njiru and Prof Mary Onyango, who both tied at 71 points. The council announced Prof Manyasa’s appointment on January 2, 2024, but Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu, through a letter to the council, would later recommend Prof Onyango for the position.

By letter dated January 2, 2024, the KAFU Council sought the concurrence of the CS on the appointment of Prof Manyasa as Vice Chancellor. Nevertheless, the council chairperson Dr Bernadette Mungai scheduled a council meeting on February 9, 2024 to deliberate on the CS’ recommendation of Prof Onyango.

Prof Manyasa asked the court to halt the meeting on grounds that should it progress, the council would proceed to appoint Prof Onyango despite the illegality, procedural impropriety and unconstitutionality.

The court issued conservatory orders restraining the council from appointing Prof Onyango until today when the case would proceed for further hearing.

Prof Mwita from Migori County holds a First Class Honours in Bachelor of Science from Kenyatta University, a Master of Applied Statistics from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, and a PhD in Statistics from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in Germany.

Prior to his appointment as a full Professor at Machakos University, Prof Mwita held the same position in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).

He was also among the 13 candidates who were shortlisted by the Public Service Commission (PSC) for the position of KAFU VC, with interviews held between December 7, 2023 and December 8, 2023.

Apart from Prof Onyango (Siaya), Prof Mwita and Prof Manyasa (Bungoma) who were shortlisted for the job, others include Prof Loice Chemngetich Maru (Nandi), Prof Egara Kabaji (Kakamega), Prof Charles Mutai (Kericho), Prof Philip Museve Kutima  (Kakamega), Prof James Njiru (Tharaka Nithi), Prof Maurice Amutabi (Vihiga), Prof Evans Abenga Basweti (Nyamira), Prof Joseph Rasowo (Siaya), Prof Joseph Chacha  (Migori), and  Prof Stephen  Odebero (Busia).

By Education News reporter

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