Kabete Polytechnic ranked best TVET in new survey

Kabete National Polytechnic entrance.

Kabete beat 2567 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in the country to emerge the best according to the latest research carried out by Timely Kenya.

The survey that was released on Monday, May 27, involved 3025 respondents and was carried out on May 7-21 with sampling bias of 1.1 per cent.

Kabete National Polytechnic, Sigalagala National Polytechnic, Meru National Polytechnic, Eldoret National Polytechnic and Kenya Coast National Polytechnic were the most preferred by the respondents across the country.

Top courses taken by students are Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Business Related Courses; Hospitality and Tourism; Hair Dressing, Beauty and Fashion Design; ICT; Carpentry, Masonry Work Welding, Plumbing and Social Work and Community.

Headed by CEO Rozalia Tadeusz, Timely Kenya is a research firm and conduct private as well as public scientific surveys.

According to the firm top ten Technical Training Institutes are Karumo TTI, Matili TTI, Bureti TTI, Michuki TTI, Nairobi TTI, Sikri Technical Training Institute for the Deaf and Blind, Rift Valley TTI, Keroka TTI, Siaya Institute of Technology and Thika TTI.


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In Nairobi region top five TVET were Nairobi TTI, PC Kinyanjui TTI, Karen TTI for deaf, Kips Technical College and Kasarani Technical Vocational College.

In Central Kenya are Kabete National Polytechnic, Nyeri National Polytechnic, Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology, Mukurweini TTI and Michuki TTI.

In Mount Kenya East are Karumo TTI, Runyenyes Technical and Vocational College, Meru National Polytechnic, Chuka Technical and Vocational College and Kiirua TTI.

Top five in Lower Eastern are Katini TTI, Machakos TTI for blind, Wote TTI, Ikutha Technical and Vocational College and Mwala technical and Vocational College.

In Upper Eastern Region we have Laisamis Technical and Vocational College, Samburu Technical and Vocational College, Merti Technical and Vocational College and North Horr Technical and Vocational College.

In Coast top five are Coast Institute of Technology, Kenya Coast National Polytechnic, Kinango TTI, Godama TTI and Likoni Technical and Vocational College.


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In North Rift we have Rift Valley TTI, Aldai TTI, Moiben Technical and Vocational College, Kitelakapel TTI and Kerio Valley technical and Vocational College.

In South Rift we have Bureti, Rift valley Institute of Science and Technology, Masai TTI, Emurua Dikirr TTI and lastly Kericho Technical and Vocational College.

In Nyanza top five are Kisumu National Polytechnic, Bondo TTI, Siaya Institute of Technology, Ugunja Techical and Vocational College and Nyakach Technical and Vocational College.

In south Nyanza we have Sikri Technical Training Institute for the Deaf and Blind, Kisii National Polytechnic, Siala TTI, Mabera technical and Vocational College and Keroka TTI.

In Western region top five are Sigalagala, Matili, Friends College Kaimosi, Kitale National Polytechnic and Bumbe TTI.

In North Eastern region we have North Eastern National Polytechnic, Mandera TTI, Ijara Technical and Vocational College, Wajir South Technical and Vocational College and Garissa Vocational and Training Centre.

Top five growing TVET institutions are Godoma TTI, Mathira TTI, Mitunguu TTI, Sot TTI and Garissa Vocational and Training Centre.

By our reporter

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