Kabarak varsity VC urges public to ignore their Facebook page

Kabarak hacker

Kabarak University Vice Chancellor (VC) Professor Henry Kiplagat has asked the public to ignore and report the institution’s Facebook page recently hacked by unknown person(s).

The university head regretted the disturbing images and information posted by the hacker that are contrary to the Christian values championed by the institution.

“We regret the magnitude and significant disruption caused to our online presence through our Facebook page. The institution apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the offenders,” said the VC.

Professor Kiplagat assured stakeholders and the general public that the renowned university is taking all measures to regain control of their page and will implement measures aimed at preventing future breaches.

The hacker(s) who recently gained unauthorized access to the Kabarak University Facebook page has asked for USD 500 (est. Ksh 50,000) to give back the page which has since become a local internet sensation and gained 6,000 more followers.

The hacker who claims to hail from Jakarta school has continuously been posting alcohol, party videos, cigarettes and bike racing events.

By Alfred Kimosop

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