Jubilation at Hekima school in Kisumu County

Fredrick Odiero

It was song and dance at Hekima schools in Kisumu after the institution posted its results, which were their best ever, for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations in many years.

The school which had over ten students scoring 400 marks had a total of 27 candidates who sat the examinations.

The school Director Dr. Richard Guya lauded the candidates for posting the splendid performance.

Dr. Guya said the good results were as a result of hard work by students, teachers and other stakeholders, adding that they expect even better results next year.

He said that the performance of the previous year was greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The top student at the school Irine Wendy could not hide her joy after scoring 415 marks to emerge top at the school.

She attributed her good results to prayers and hard work.

School head teacher Mr. Peter Okello revealed that, for the school in Lolwe estate, the results were some of the best in recent years, saying that they were a marked improvement this time round.

Parents and teachers danced around the school compound as they celebrated the good results.

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