Joy as school in Migori gets steady water supply

By Norah Musega

Parents and locals of Kamgundho village have applauded the principal of St. Patrick Kamgundho Secondary School for having drilled water in bid to upgrade the schools’ infrastructure.

While addressing the press, the locals noted that the initiative will go a long way in facilitating the school with sufficient water supply as students will not have to walk for long distances in search of water for use.

Led by William Omete who is a community member and also a parent in the school noted that they are pleased with the initiative taken by the school administration and the board of managers to drill water within the school as a way of ensuring water is made available for use in the school, not only for the students but also for the locals and the neighboring primary school.
Omete who talked on behalf of the parents pledged they will ensure the administration is accorded Maximum Corporation not only from the community but also from the parents at the institution to gear it towards academic success.

“We are happy with the administration of the institution for spending on the project that will greatly impact the academic performance of its students. We will therefore ensure the dreams that our children learning there are able to achieve their dreams through giving support and motivation to the teachers and the administration to provide a peaceful environment for both teaching and learning,” said Omete.

Mrs. Grace Odhiambo while addressing the press minutes after completing the first phase of the project where she noted they have already spent 1.2 million shillings said it is a national government project which was approved both at the sub-county and county offices before it commenced.

“This project is fully funded by the national government through the ministry of education under the MIF. The total cost of the project is estimated at 2.2 million and engineers are already on the ground testing the water on its depth to be able to pre-empt the population it can serve,” said Odhiambo.

With a population of 354 students of whom 136 are boarders, will now be at ease to concentrate in their studies and save time unlike before that they spent a lot of time going to the stream to fetch water for use at the facility. She also noted that they expect to complete the project by June next year having been able to complete the first phase of the project with money they saved for a period of time from the MIF.

The vice board of governors chair Mr. Thomas Oketch urged other schools within the region and across the country to emulate the move saying this will help curb early pregnancies among school going girls as it will ensure that they are kept in school and do not go out of the institutions in search of water a situation where they tend to meet people with ill intentions against their gender and safety.

Oketch also urged parents and the entire nation to bank on prayers for learners across the country to curb indiscipline cases that are rampant in schools saying a worrying trend of school fires can be minimized through prayers and trust in God.

“Let us intervene on behalf of our children and school management through prayers for a peaceful co-existence to help curb infernos and indiscipline cases in schools but to bring up a generation in the community that is God fearing and morally upright,” said Oketch.

They however called on the Member of Parliament hon. Paul Abuor to assist the school through construction of a dormitory, classrooms and a school bus as he had initially promised to help improve the learning environment at the institution.

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