Journalists’ network in Kisumu install new team of officials

Kisumu juornalist take a photo after a new team of officials was elected into office.

Kisumu Journalists Network has installed a new team of officials following elections which were held in the lake-side city.

The team, dubbed ‘Team Fresh’, is led by veteran journalist Dickens Wasonga as the network’s new chairman.

The team managed to bag all the positions from chairperson to organizing secretary.

In the hotly contested polls held at Kisumu’s Public Service Club on November 25, Dickens Wasonga resoundingly defeated the immediate former chairman Rushdie Oudia after garnering 47 votes. Oudia got 20 votes.

Doreen Magak and Daniel Dembede were earlier elected unopposed as Vice Chairperson and Deputy Secretary respectively.

Harold Odhiambo was elected Secretary after defeating Maurice Alal with 46 votes against the latter’s 19.

The new Treasurer is Sheilla Mbone who garnered 41 votes against Wickliffe Odera’s 21. Odera is the immediate former Treasurer.

The Organizing Secretary’s position went to Victor Raballa, who garnered 43 votes , defeating Kepher Otieno who managed to scoop 19.

The elections were presided over by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection officials from Kisumu Central Sub-county, while Media Council of Kenya through its Western Kenya Regional Coordinator Teddy Oundo witnessed the polls.

The network new chairman Dickens Wasonga promised to work with all journalists, as his predecessor Rushdie Oudia welcomed the new team to steer the network for the next three years.

Kisumu Journalists Network was registered in the year 2012 as Kisumu Journalists Self Help Group with its pioneer chairman Dickson Odhiambo serving for a period of six years from 2013 to 2018.

Dickens Wasonga is the third chairperson.

Fredrick Odiero

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