JOOUST plants trees to change rainfall pattern

By Erick Nyayiera

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) has planted over 3000 tree seedlings as a way of transforming Siaya County into a rain fed region.
JOOUST Vice Chancellor Professor Stephen Agong’ observed that trees are a source of wealth to any community since other than for environmental conservation they help in promotion of food security.
Speaking during the launch of the tree planting program at the university compound Prof. Agong stated that the trees were assigned mentors who will be responsible in ensuring that they grow to maturity.
He said “Siaya County has a tree cover of 0.04 per cent with the areas surrounding the Lake Victoria recording the lowest percentage of tree cover; we will work round the clock as a university to ensure much is done to improve the dire situation”.
Professor Agong who was accompanied by Siaya County Deputy Governor Eng. James Okumbe also pointed out that the tree cover that they want to help increase will also be beneficial to Lake Victoria which he cited to be a major source of income for the residents.
“As a university with a niche in ensuring food production, we will always ensure we plant enough trees including mobilizing community members to plant more trees in our homes and schools to attract more rainfall for our key resource that is Lake Victoria,” said the vice chancellor.
KEFRI Lake Basin Regional Director Dr. Jared Amwata who was present during the launch stated that Siaya County is among 33 counties where the project of tree planting is taking place.
He revealed that other than the 3000 tree seedlings being planted by JOOUST, KEFRI also intends to plant a similar number during the long rain season in Bondo Sub County.
Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda called for a thorough program of planting trees in schools noting that it had the best potential of giving results.

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