Isiolo First Lady urges parents to monitor children’s online activity


Parents have been advised to ensure they monitor what their children do online in a bid to ensure they don’t expose them to harmful content.

Isiolo County First Lady Habiba Galgalo said owing to the growing technological advancement, it is the duty of parents to ensure a safe space for their children both online and offline.

She said failure by the guardians to monitor their children’s digital activities could put them at risk of dangers of the internet including cyberbullying and access to pornographic materials.

“Am appealing to parents to be watchful of what their children do while online and offline in a bid to avert exposure to harmful content.

This will shield them from the risk of internet dangers including cyberbullying and access to pornographic materials.

“With the growing technological advancement, parents have a duty to ensure safe space for the children online and offline,” said Mrs. Galgalo.

She called for concerted efforts from various stakeholders in the promotion of children’s rights.

Mrs. Galgalo called on the government and other stakeholders to enact stringent laws and regulations meant to protect children from exploitation, abuse, and exposure to harmful content.

“Collaboration between various actors including law enforcement agencies and education stakeholders is crucial to tackling these challenges and ensuring the digital world remains a safe space for our children,” she noted.

Speaking during the International Day of the African Child celebrations at Isiolo town police mess grounds, Ms. Galgalo said the county government is committed to supporting education through the issuance of bursaries to needy learners.

She said she will continue to champion the rights of the children by tirelessly working to raise awareness and advocate for policies to support the course that includes access to quality education and freedom from abuse.

County Education Executive Aileen Kajuju said the county had already come up with a policy to safeguard children’s rights and was currently in the public participation stage.

“We have introduced a school feeding program in ECDE and have plans to recruit about 70 more teachers to support education for our children,” said Ms. Kajuju.

She noted that the government had increased bursary allocation in order to ensure no needy learner is denied education due to lack of fees.

County Director of Education Caroline Mugo cited Free Primary Education and Elimu scholarship among the State efforts to ensure access to quality education.

She put on notice teachers and school heads charging pupils extra levies saying those found culpable will be sacked.

“We are keen on having all learners in school and the issue of sending them home over unnecessary levies should not happen,” she warned.

County Commissioner Geoffrey Omoding tasked chiefs to trace learners still stuck at home and ensure they are in school in line with the government’s 100 percent transition.

“We are also keen on eradicating harmful practices such as Female Genital Mutilation, early marriages and sexual abuse so that children transit to the highest level of education,” Mr Omoding said.

He called on children to volunteer information on those carrying out the outlawed FGM so that legal action can be taken against them.

By John Majau

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