Invest in your children’s education, Kwale parents told

Msambweni DCC Josephat Mutisyo addresses locals at Mwakamba in Diani, Kwale County.

Kwale parents have been urged to prioritize the education of their children, decrying their tendencies to spend money on luxury items instead.

Msambweni Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Josephat Mutisyo expressed concern that parents, especially women, could spend over Ksh7,000 on new attire for weddings every weekend but failed to address essential educational needs for their children.

“I am concerned that while parents manage to afford high-cost clothing for social events, many children are unable to attend school due to unpaid fees,” he said.

The DCC said that such behaviour will not be tolerated, and warned that able parents whose children are found out of school due to unpaid fees will face stern legal consequences.

“Take your children to school because we will be conducting investigations. If your children are found on the streets while you attend every wedding, you will have a case to answer,” he said.

He underscored that education is a constitutional right for every child and urged the community to reassess their spending habits.

Mutisyo added that the vice reflects a troubling misalignment of priorities that could negatively impact children’s futures and the community at large, leading to detrimental outcomes such as involvement in drugs and crime.


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He asked parents to invest in their children’s education and welfare, urging them to recognize them as valuable assets and be fully responsible for their proper upbringing and development.

The DCC also stressed the importance of youth enrolling in Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges to acquire valuable technical skills, as they provide practical pathways to employment and economic stability.

He noted that TVET institutions offer opportunities for skill development and career advancement to everyone, including those students who dropped out of formal education.

By Shaban Omar

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