Infrastructure alone is not enough to pass exams, education director tells schools

Kipruto Kosgei, Embu Director of Education.

Infrastructure alone does not determine the performance of learners in education institutions, Director of Education in Embu County Kipruto Kosgei has said.

The director challenged learners in the county not to marvel at infrastructure but work hard and select their professional pathways early based on the subjects they are good at.

Learners, he said, also have a chance to improve their grades irrespective of their past performances.

Speaking to parents and students at the Kiamuringa Low Cost Boarding School in the county when he handed over a Ksh5.4 million girls’ dormitory, Kosgei said the academic world is full of successful people who repeated classes for years but later achieved academic excellence.


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He disclosed that before a change in his academic fortune, he repeated classes at lower primary school for years.

Learners and guardians, the officer said, need to work closely with teachers to guide them to identify subjects which will lead them to the right pathways.

“Teachers can play a major role in mentoring learners to pursue the right pathways so as to identify professions they are sure to succeed in,” said Kosgei.

He asked learners to take advantage of the improved dormitories in the school, noting that such facilities offer them ample time to interact with teachers and books during evening studies.

By Robert Nyagah

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