Imarika Foundation still strong on its pillar programmes

By Tsozungu Kombe

Imarika Foundation, a brainchild of Imarika Sacco Ltd has received Shs 12 million from Imarika Sacco to support its five pillar programmes.

Speaking during Imarika Foundation Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at Imarika Plaza Conference Hall in Kilifi town recently, Imarika Foundation Executive Director Mr. Peter Angore said the foundation deals with five pillar programmes namely Education, Health, Agri-Business, Environment and Disaster Management.

He revealed that the estimated expenditure for education and health is Shs 15.03 million and that education takes a share of Shs 8.4 million while the health pillar takes a share of Shs 6.9 million.

“Resource mobilization has been our biggest challenge. It’s the reason we have only managed to roll out two out of five pillar programmes,” he explained.

Imarika Foundation Managing Director, Mr. Peter Angore

He added that the foundation has put in place mechanisms for resource mobilization through sponsorships and event managements through agencies.

“Many organizations have offered to support us and we have high hopes for donations and partnerships,” he said.

He revealed that in the education pillar, the foundation has sponsored 43 bright but needy secondary school students to enable them pursue education in the country.

“29 youth in Vocational Training Centres have also been awarded scholarships to acquire basic skills on short term courses ranging for six months to one year,” he further explained.

Mr. Angore further advised the scholarship beneficiaries to study extra hard in order to excel in their end of term examinations and their final national examinations.

He urged them to target attaining mean grade of C+ at the end of every term and to submit their end of term reports to Imarika Foundation Office.

“Your end of term reports will determine whether or not you still qualify for the scholarships,” he added.

In regards to health, he explained that 24 health clubs have been registered in schools in the county.

The clubs have been registered in schools in Kaloleni, Magarini, Ganze, Malindi and Kilifi South sub counties.

“The jigger menace is prevalent in schools in the county hence the clubs, through the patrons, promote hygiene in schools and the surrounding areas to fight the Jigger menace,” he clarified.

He added that the health clubs also teach reproductive health education.

The Chief Guest at the occasion, Imarika Sacco Board of Directors Chairman, Mr. Renson Ndoro said that the foundation gives back to the community by awarding bursaries to bright but needy secondary schools students to enable them pursue education in the country.

He urged the scholarship beneficiaries to work very hard in order to pass their final national examinations.

He also asked them to be keen while choosing careers and to choose marketable careers in this developing world.

“Parents should also be active in helping their Form Four students choose careers.” He concluded.

Imarika Sacco Chief Executive Officer Mr. George Yongo Ngala said that the Sacco will ensure Imarika Foundation gets enough funding to enable it operate more efficiently and effectively.

“Imarika Sacco is aware of the financial constraints Imarika Foundation is experiencing. I promise to lobby for more funding to enable the foundation boost its undertakings,” he said.

Mr. Ngala asked Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), well-wishers, charitable organizations and even individuals to come forward and sponsor Imarika Foundation to boost its activities.

He urged all stakeholders in the county and partners to work as a team and sponsor Imarika Foundation.

Kilifi county Cooperative Director Mr. James Mwasi urged Sacco members in the county to remain united and patronize their Sacco to enable it offer quality services to them in a professional way.

He asked county residents to join Saccos in large numbers to uplift their living standards.

He also asked the residents to fully cooperate and invest heavily in Saccos to get bigger loans for development projects.

“Many people in Saccos have managed to accomplish their personal development projects through taking loans from their respective Saccos.” He pointed out.

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