Igembe North issues KSh45 million bursary to needy learners

Igembe North MP Julius Taitumu when he issued bursary funds worth KSh45 million at Kaliati and Mariri secondary schools to the needy and bright learners in the area. Photo: John Majau

Igembe North MP Julius Taitumu has issued bursary funds worth KSh45 million to needy and bright learners in the constituency.

Taitumu said KSh11.5 million will go to the 34 day secondary schools in the region with each student getting KSh 3,000.

He said the bursary will greatly supplement the parents in paying the school fees as they will only be required to top up the balance.

Speaking while issuing the bursaries at Kaliati and Mariri secondary schools, Taitumu regretted that for the last 20 years no single day secondary school in the area has received even a cent from the bursary kitty.

Igembe North MP Julius Taitumu enjoys the dance. Photo: John Majau

“They have a right to education and funding like any other child in the country. The needy learners must get assistance from the government in order to enable them access education.

I have issued bursary funds KSh 45 million to the needy and bright learners in the constituency. Some KSh11.5 million will go to the 34 day secondary schools in the region with each student getting KSh3,000,” said the MP.

Igembe North MP Julius Taitumu with the learners. Photo: John Majau

He said the area is arid making it very hard for any agricultural produce to thrive noting it makes it is extremely hard for parents to afford to pay the fees.


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“The Miraa crisis currently being witnessed has led to drastic drop in prices. It is now becoming almost impossible for parents to afford school fees. This is because miraa is the main source of income in the area. This has left many parents helpless.

The bursaries are meant to supplement the fees paid by the parents. That is why am urging parents to top up the balance,” said Taitumu.

Igembe North MP Julius Taitumu addresses learners. Photo: John Majau

He promised to continue with the feeding programme because some schools are in drought stricken areas where parents are unable to feed their children.

“We shall ensure through the relevant parliamentary committee, the Treasury releases enough money for the feeding programme to continue,” noted the MP.

He challenged parents to ensure all the children in the constituency enroll in school and urged boys to shun boda boda business and to instead embrace education.

By John Majau

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