IG Sacco donates photocopier machines, printing papers to school in Kakamega

Kakamega branch IG Sacco sales and marketing manager Kevin Ombunge (middle) hands over the donations to Malava Primary deputy headteacher Esther Yela Lucheli.B

Invest and Grow (IG) Sacco has donated photocopier machines and printing papers to Friends Malava Primary School.

The school’s Deputy Head teacher Esther Wayela Lucheli narrated how it has been tedious and expensive to carry out printing services from the nearby cyber cafes.

BoM team represented by Lawson Makola appreciated the gesture and promised to improve on the school’s performance.

He noted that the school will now easily set and print exams for all the 890 pupils.

Pupils of Malava Primary after recieving photocopier machines and printing papers from IG Sacco Kakamega branch

IG Sacco Marketing and Public Relations Manager Kevin Ombuge urged the school to make good use of the machines and stated that it was part of the Sacco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

He assured the school of the Sacco’s continued support and called on the staff at the institution to join the Sacco which has a lot to offer in terms of investment and returns.

 By Andanje Wakhungu

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