IEK unveils new strategic plan to build on past gains

The Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK) 2024-2029 strategic plan has been crafted after intense conversations among members, asking themselves where they want to be in the next five years.

IEK is the learned society of the engineering profession. It cooperates with other national and international institutions in developing and applying engineering for the benefit of humanity.

This is the third generation of the IEK strategic plan. In 2019, it developed its strategic plan (2019-2023) which sought to create a foundation to pursue new approaches in its operations.

It also intended to enhance its profile as an authority in engineering and create requisite value to its members.

Some of its key pillars were to grow membership to 20,000 and enhance relevance and revenue growth. The plan was set to end in 2023, raising the need to review and align it with emerging changes such as new technology, policies and legislations.

The new strategic plan sets a new trajectory for IEK and when fully implemented, it will catapult the institution to a place of enormous growth in the next five years. The goals, core values and strategic initiatives to deliver the new strategic direction, together with the proposed monitoring and evaluation plan, should provide a robust framework to ensure that the institution will realize the full implementation of this strategic plan.

The new strategic plan is expected to address the challenges encountered in the previous plan. It will also take into account emerging issues that have implications for the engineering profession, including sustainability and focus on the needs of members.

The strategic plan leverages the experiences of similar organizations internationally to build a truly responsive engineering professional organization.

The strategic plan 2024-2029 strategic objectives and action plans include holding regular meetings and forums to address member concerns and welfare, and pursuing sustainable resource mobilization.

It also plans to contribute to curriculum development through collaboration with learning institutions and conduct training relevant to members.

IEK was established in 1972 with the mandate of promoting the general advancement of science and practice of engineering and its implication in Kenya. It is also meant to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among members.


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By Frank Mugwe

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