ICT is important in the success of CBC- PS Nabukwesi

By Achola Mathews

The installation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure will play a big role in the implementation and success of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) amongst learners and teachers countrywide.

Speaking at Friends High School Kamusinga   during the official launch of a pilot project of Internet Education,    Principal Secretary in the State Department of University Education and Research Ambassador   Simon Nabukwesi said that the programme will be rolled out in 13 schools countrywide(4 secondary schools and five public primary schools).

‘ Friends School Kamusinga is lucky  to be the first school to receive Internet Connectivity which will help teachers and students to do research and to come up with innovations which are key to solving Scientific ,Manufacturing  and Economic  challenges,’ he said.

He pointed out that as a result of internet connectivity, the school would save Shs 15,000 monthly which was previously used to pay for data connection.

‘9,600 students and 200 teachers countrywide will benefit directly from the High Speed Internet Connectivity. In Bungoma county alone, 741 public schools have been given digital devices to enhance learning,’ he explained.

Amb. Nabukwesi hinted that in co-ordination with his counterpart in the State Department of Early Learning   and Basic Education Principal Secretary Dr Julius Juan, they will ensure that schools receive more laptops and computers to enhance digital literacy of learners through equipped Electronic Library and Computer Laboratories.

 PS  Nabukwesi urged the learners to focus more on their studies by maintaining a high sense of discipline both in school and at home.

‘It’s very sad that some students destroy school property such as dormitories and cause a burden to parents who have to cater for the charges of repair,’ he said.

 ICT Authority Chief Executive Officer Mr. Paul Rono   said that 2,413 schools have been given Digital Literacy materials and are connected with a fibre Optic Cables.

‘4,994 teachers have been trained on ICT skills countrywide. The programme, which started in 2015, has a target of connecting 22,000 public primary schools and 15,000 secondary schools countrywide to Internet Connectivity,’ he said.

He further added that if schools had been connected with Internet during the shutdown of schools during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Education would have continued engaging with learners virtually.

 His sentiments were echoed by the ICT Authority Western Region Co-coordinator Engineer David Wesonga.

Bungoma County Director of Education Mr Philip Chirchir lauded the students at the school for their discipline.

Friends School Kamusinga Principal Mr Alex Maina Kariuki said that the school, which has a student population of 1774, needs more computers so that students do not use one computer for research purposes.

The school’s captain Hamza Kamurudin noted that   Internet Connectivity will aide his fellow students in conducting thorough revision and research.

 Friends School Kamusinga posted a mean score of 9.60 in the last year’s KCSE exams. 284 students qualified for direct admission into universities while 12 students attained the entry grade to enroll into middle level colleges and Technical Training Institutions.

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