I will invest more in negotiations, rather than strikes, says new KNUT boss

By Fredrick Odiero

The Kenya National Union of Teachers has ruled out the possibility of engaging the government on unending industrial actions.

KNUT secretary general Collins Oyuu instead said the teachers’ body will engage the government on continuous dialogue over contentious issues.

Speaking when he was hosted by a local radio station, Oyuu said he was keen on restoring the lost glory of the union.

Oyuu blamed past KNUT leadership over the ills bedevilling the body.

He said it was wrong to take a hard stance against the government which, he said, made them lose out.

Oyuu who was recently elected unopposed by over1000 delegates after his predecessor Wilson Sossion quit the union said that round table talks were the best way out.

He said they are at the moment in talks with the Teachers’ Service Commission over pending issues such as the collective bargaining agreements.

Oyuu said the essence of trade unionism is continuous talks and not strikes.

“Strikes are normally the last bullet and must be the last resort, what will you do if you fire your only bullet early?” he posed.

Oyuu said KNUT was at the moment at its lowest ebb,

Adding that the current leadership cannot be compared with that of Ambrose Adeya Adongo,Francis Ng’ang’a,Okuta Osiany,Lawrence Majali and others.

Oyuu , however, expressed optimism that the union will restore its lost glory.

He said trade unionism is not about arbitration but negotiation.

“We don’t want unnecessary arbitrations with the employer and the government but talks through round table dialogue” he said.

Oyuu admitted that many teachers have left the union due to confrontations with the TSC.

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