I have passion for education, Kibwezi West MP aspirant declares

By Lydia Ngoolo 

As Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) continues being rolled out in schools, Kibwezi West Member of Parliament aspirant Mwengi Mutuse has said he is geared towards renovating and constructing classes to schools in dire needs.

Mutuse who is  Machakos County government chief of staff, called upon people of all walks of life to support school projects especially now when many schools need to expand facilities to accommodate CBC and Physical Education(PE).

“There is this 100 percent transition to secondary schools policy. We can only actualize it with enough space to accommodate all. Our children and teachers need friendly environment. I am learned and would wish to see the young generation make it in life just like myself,” added Mutuse who is a lawyer by profession.

Mutuse spoke during commissioning of five renovated classrooms he had funded at Mweini Primary School in Nguu-Masumba ward of Makueni County. He said he has been supporting education through renovation and construction of many school buildings in Kibwezi West, He urged parents to take care of their children especially during this short holiday by guiding and counselling them as well as reminding them to revise for their school work.

“I am also reminding parents to make sure that their children are fully masked. Covid-19 is still with us. I always provide reusable masks wherever I visit and more so schools.  It’s holiday and children tend to interact a lot. Remind them to mask up and lead them by example,” he added.

Mutuse who is also the patron Kibwezi Empowerment Foundation visited Vololo Secondary School where he is funding construction of the classes. He said he is passionate about education which is one of his top agenda, promising to elevate it’s level once elected. He added that Makueni County cash crop is education and all education stakeholders should be geared towards uplifting education standards.

“This school has willing students thirsty for education. When I visited here I found students studying under tree shades for lack of classrooms. So far we have completed three classrooms. Parents with children joining form one, just bring them here we have 9 TSC teachers and the best. We hope to get the best results,” Mutuse said.

Makueni KESSHA chairman Julius Mutwii urged parents to fully support that school by bringing many children to enrol at the school. He added that regardless of how good the structures are, they can’t be called a school without learners. He called upon parents to make use of nearby schools to cut expenses and aid in assuring 100 percent transition to secondary schools policy.

Mutuse was accompanied by many dignitaries and education officers among them Kibwezi West sub county Director quality assurance Mercy Gitari who affirmed that the commissioned building by Mutuse whether renovated or constructed meets the standards and, therefore, fit for use.

Gitari who represented the Ministry of Education assured that the ministry wants to make sure that standards of education are improved for better performance of the learners. She observed that they inspect all school buildings whether funded by donors or constructed by school before the learners use them.

“My call to parents is only one, I can see you are very happy as structures are being constructed and renovated in your schools, make sure your children succeed by playing your part to the latter. Then let’s all ensure 100 percent transition to secondary schools. Your children should not stop at class eight,” added Gitari.

She called upon schools to have a system of collecting water by use of gutters, adding that there is no need of sourcing water from outside when all the rain water goes untapped. He encouraged teachers to try it, adding that the fresh water can cut down some costs.

Makueni County  health Chief Officer Patrick Musyoki Kibwana called upon school children to keep off drugs so as not to dim their dreams.  Kibwana added that there is nothing good in taking drugs and urged them to avoid bad company which may lure them to such vices. He reminded parents to mask up and make sure their children are properly masked as well as adhering to Covid -19 protocols.

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