OCHIENG’: How to position Form 3 for peak performance

Victor Ochieng

Form 3, being the next in line for KCSE, have to be fitted perfectly for excellent performance. We need to compare them with a plane that has to be properly positioned before take-off, or a child’s posture before being born.

Proper positioning may take many forms, but conventionally, they should hover around these four areas:

Syllabus coverage

In best academic practice, teachers should complete the Form 3 syllabus in Form 3. Then, if possible, teachers should introduce the Form 4 syllabus.

Before the long November/December holidays, they should sit complete promotional exams, which can be used to point out tasks and topics they can tackle on their own during this period.

Spending holiday  

A wise Form 3 should remain conscious of their next step. Even when holed up at home, prudence should make them balance three things: Home chores, personal study and leisure time.

Holiday is time to bond better with family members. Nevertheless, it is time also to read widely. They should make good use of print, electronic and social forms of media. With the luxury of time, they should engage in edutainment; forms of entertainment that are also educative and informative.


Moreover, during the holiday, they should complete the assignments and compare notes with peers from other schools. In addition, they should learn from right role models and mentors. Advisedly, they should participate in church activities like seminars, camps, conferences and missions as a form of relaxation. Then, it is wise to discover, nurture and develop talent.

Setting targets

Form 3 should set different types of targets. Foremost, there should be the class target, which is the school mean score. Secondly, serious students should set their individual targets. Thirdly, they should set the school recognition target. This third target focuses on the academic standing of the class in the sub-county, county and country.

© Victor Ochieng’

The writer rolls out academic, career, leadership; talks and training services.

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