How Principal  nurtures winning spirit in learners

By Lydia Ngoolo

Despite admitting students who scored below 300 marks, Matinyani Mixed Secondary School has become a household name in Matinyani Sub County owing to its good performance in national exams.

In the last release, the school was ranked second out of the 20 schools in the sub county.

Principal Martin Kimongo said the school’s mean has gradually improved since he joined the school.

“When I joined the school, it had a mean of 2.9. It slowly increased to 4.06 in 2020, 5.09 in 2021 and 5.17 in 2022,” he said.

The principal added that every morning and evening, the students recite the school slogan of “we’re in the better school’ and that the slogan has worked wonders.

He said they are aiming to be one of the best schools in the county level.

“We want to emerge one of the best schools in the county level. We have the zeal, dedication and seriousness to enable us achieve our dream,” Kimongo.

He noted that the overall mean of the school is discussed and departments encouraged to surpass it. The students are also motivated.

“There is also stiff competition among the teachers and they are rewarded within their departments and motivated through PA and BOM programme,” he added.

The students have Science practical subjects despite limited resources.

The school has come up with developed meals every Friday where they slaughter a goat for the students.

The principal introduced cultural week to nurture students’ talents.

“I started it but found very dedicated and expert teachers who trained and conducted the exercise very well. The students fully participate in the exercise,” the principal said.

The school has 15 TSC and 4 BoM teachers. However, there is need for 4 more teachers to cater for the increasing student population.

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