How government will effect capitation, school fees

By Kipkemboi Toroitich

Prof Magoha said that the government will continue supporting secondary education. The current financial year alone, the government has released Sh.62B under Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE). He pointed out that the government provides Sh.22,244 to cover tuition and related expenses for all public secondary school students. He said all Principals and Boards of Management are required to ensure that the funds are used for intended purposes. This will enable further attainment of 100 percent transition, improve the learning environment and ensure that the right to education is achieved.

Magoha further said that schools must adhere to the fees guidelines showing how much parents are required to pay per category of school.

As with last year, the Ministry will mount a nationwide monitoring exercise to ensure that Form One students join the schools they were selected to and that fee guidelines are strictly adhered to. Parents are therefore advised to only pay the amount of fees set by the ministry and report incidents of any students turned away for not paying higher fees and other levies to the nearest education office for action.

He urged members of the public to report any cases of learners failing to join Form One and file any complaints of excessive fees and levies with the ministry. He also challenged parents and guardians to take their obligations seriously by ensuring prompt payment of school fees in boarding schools.

School infrastructure and resources

Prof Magoha said that in this financial year, the National Treasury allocated the ministry Sh.4.2 billion for infrastructure development in public primary and secondary schools. He informed parents that the funds were effectively used to ease the strain on school facilities due to the increased enrolment.

In the same breath, the government through the guidance of His Excellency the President had been able to construct 6,497 Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) classrooms in the first phase at a cost of Sh.788,220 per unit. That was a major shift in delivery of government services that ensured the ordinary fundi is given an opportunity for empowerment.

In the next financial year, the National Treasury will allocate the ministry a further Sh.4 Billion for construction of the balance of CBC classrooms in secondary schools to reach the target of 10,000 classrooms.

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