Hoteliers in Watamu team up with schools to curb drug abuse

Ms Naomi Owino, a mental health advocate during an interview at Barracuda Beach Resort in Watamu. Naomi and other stakeholders have come up with an anti- drug abuse documentary to be showcased in schools.

Anti-drug abuse stakeholders in Watamu Municipality, Kilifi County have partnered with learning institutions, and hoteliers with the aim of eradicating drug abuse in the area.

The team led by Naomi Owino, a Mental Health advocate, head teachers from 25 schools and Barracuda Beach Resort have come up with a documentary that will be aired to learners especially those in primary schools.

Guiseppe Bounasera, Director  Barracuda Beach Resort , during an interview.

According to Owino, at least 700 people are addicted to heroin and this doesn’t include other drugs such as cocaine, cannabis sativa, muguka and other illicit substances.

“According to our data we have more than 700 people who are addicted to heroin in Watamu and its environs and so it is a big number and there are more who are addicted to other illicit drugs and it’s a crisis. This is what inspired us to come up with this initiative,” she said during the launch of the partnership recently at Hotel Barracuda recently.

She revealed that they will also focus on rehabilitation of drug users through their visual documentaries, methadone and mentorship.

“Most of the time when you tell people to stay away from drugs, they won’t get the picture but with the visuals of victims they will be able to apprehend and we are targeting at least 25 schools because they are the future and easily lured into these drugs,” she added.

At the same time, Giuseppe Bounsera, the director of Barracuda Beach Resort in Watamu said that he teamed up with Owino and other stakeholders and invited school heads for a brainstorming meeting which gave birth to the idea adding that many people always associate drug abuse with tourism players along the beaches.

“We came with the idea so that we can show the learners the negative effects of heroin abuse and we hope the head teachers will be ready to showcase the documentary in their respective schools,” he said.

An aerial view of Barracuda Beach Resort.

He added that school children will also be invited to the hotels to also understand what tourism does to the community through job creation.

The head teacher of Dabaso Primary School Felix Karisa, on his end, said that the initiative was most welcome and that together with fellow school managers, they will lay down structures that will fit in the normal school programmes.

“Our area is badly affected by drug abuse and our learners have also become victims and the programme is very timely because we will teach them about the negative effects of illicit drugs. We will organize clubs where the learners will make write ups and share their experiences so that they can be sensitized on the matter,” he said.


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Karisa also advised parents to be their children’s keepers and ensure strict discipline that will go a long way in helping combat the drug menace in the area.

“Parents should be keen on what their children are doing and what they consume to ensure that they stay disciplined. They should also make sure that the children are always busy because idleness makes them experiment on many things and drug abuse is one of them,” he said.

By Nehemiah Okwembah

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