Higher Education stakeholders in Malawi visit JKUAT for benchmarking

A delegation from Malawi’s higher education sector visited Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) for benchmarking.

The tour was organised under the auspices of the Transforming Higher Education Systems initiative, which aims to strengthen and enhance Malawi’s education system by establishing regional networks as well as learning from other higher education systems with relevant experiences.

The project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and operates at the university and system levels in Malawi.

It seeks to increase the country’s educated workforce and drive economic success by learning about Kenya’s higher education system’s innovative partnerships and policy efforts, among other areas.

The team, which includes vice chancellors from various universities, including the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), the University of Malawi and the University of Livingstonia and government officials, will study and adopt important innovative techniques learned during the tour in various institutions of higher learning in Kenya before implementation in their respective institutions in Malawi.

Receiving the delegation at JKUAT, the Vice Chancellor Prof Victoria Ngumi, who was represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance Prof Bernard Ikua, said that JKUAT is committed to provide quality training, noting that embedding research and market-relevant programmes in its curriculum has distinguished it from many other institutions of higher learning.


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“JKUAT continues to deliver high-quality training, producing graduates that are market-ready and internationally acknowledged. This has resulted in the university’s curriculum being one of the best in the higher education system in Kenya. We believe this visit is evidence to our quality of research and training,” Prof Ikua said.

Prof Ikua further underlined the value of creating peer networks and sharing knowledge and expertise, noting that doing so, could be advantageous to both institutions.

The head of the delegation, Dr Tasokwa Chibowa of Transforming Higher Education Systems, a USAID implementing partner in Malawi, stated that the visit provided the delegation with numerous opportunities and significant initiatives that could be implemented in Malawian higher education institutions.

Dr Chibowa added that the collaborative structures in place that support Kenyan institutions, including JKUAT, are a vital aspect that could be implemented in Malawian educational institutions to aid in designing and delivering high quality and market driven programs.

Dr Levis Eneya, Director of Higher Education at the Malawi Government’s Ministry of Education, said, the visit highlighted vital evidence-based policies and decisions that could be adopted and strengthened in Malawi’s higher education system.

Dr Eneya further observed that JKUAT provides a solid basis in ensuring student welfare is safeguarded in terms of well-established support and quality assurance mechanisms, noting that many universities in Malawi could borrow a leaf from the university’s well-developed systems.

The meeting was also addressed by the Principal, College of Engineering and Technology (COETEC), Dr Eng Hiram Ndiritu, Registrar, Academic Affairs, Dr Aggrey Wanyama, Registrar, Research, Production and Extension (RPE), Dr Patrick Mbindiyo, Deputy Director, JKUAT Industrial Park, Mike Waititu, Director, School of Open, Distance, and eLearning (SODeL) and Dr Henry Mbogo.

By our reporter

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