High teacher motivation behind better exam performance in private schools, MCA says

private schools

Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) Busia Chairperson Hon David Parapara Karani has said that one of the major reasons private schools perform better than their public counterparts in national exams in the county is because the former’s teachers are more motivated.

Speaking during a one-day workshop of education stakeholders at Farmview Hotel, Karani who is also Angurai East Member of County Assembly (MCA) said the motivation comes due to the fact that 90 per cent of pupils in private schools are in class compared to public schools.

The Chair said pupils in private schools have an added advantage over their counterparts in public schools because by 10am when their sugar levels are low they are offered a cup of porridge and have lunch in school compared to public schools who have to trek home during lunchtime.

“When pupils report to school they want an environment unlike their homes which lack conducive environment of learning. This is what makes private schools stand tall compared to private schools,” Karani said.

The MCA agreed with stakeholders that poverty is the elephant in the room which needs urgent intervention majorly through embracing agriculture.

The private schools boss urged the Ministry of Trade in both county and national governments to look for markets for local farmers to enable parents pay school fees for their children.

By Godfrey Wamalwa

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