High school teacher found dead in latrine

By Enock Okong’o 

A teacher was found dead in a latrine at Got Kachacha Secondary School in Suna West, Migori County.

According to the students, the 32-year-old male teacher was seen going to the latrine on Tuesday morning but he wasn’t seen again afterwards.

“We saw him go to the lavatory but from that moment, we didn’t see him again,” said one of the students.

Suna East sub county police commander Esau Ochorokodi confirmed the death of the teacher.

“The body of the 32-year-old teacher was discovered by students leaning against the walls of the latrine on Tuesday when they went to clean them,” said Ochorokodi.

Mr. Ochorokodi said that his officers have launched an investigation and are looking into the matter.

He said that the cause of death had not been established but promised to make it public once the investigations were over.

The body of the deceased was removed to Migori Referral Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem.

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