Hero’s welcome for celebrated national champ in Baringo

Pomp and colour rendered the air in Kisonei Primary, Tenges Ward in Baringo County during the homecoming ceremony for 14-year old pupil, Brenda Jebet after her exemplary performance in the just concluded athletics national championships held in Narok County.

Teachers, pupils and area leadership hailed her achievement as honor to the society, which has a tradition of producing renowned athletes who have left an indelible mark after their outstanding accomplishment internationally.

Kisonei Primary has history of yielding top athletes like James Moi, Pauline Kong’a and Nickson Kiprotich who played pivotal role in bringing the country medals after competing in New Zealand, Spain and Korea.

Speaking during the function, Tenges Ward Member of County Assembly, Henry Kigen exuded confidence in Brenda Jebet and promised to assist her in all endeavors to realize her talent in throw events namely; Shot-put, Discus and Javelin.

He said her win in Discus to represent the country in upcoming Rwanda games was a game changer for young pupils yearning to make their dreams a reality.

Mr. Kigen noted that he would push for legislations in the assembly that will allow nurturing and supporting of young talents financially to achieve their abilities.

‘‘ Tenges Ward is endowed with untapped talents that if fully exploited can attain full-fledged champs  .I am fully committed to see our ward is proclaimed victors in the quarter,’’ he said.

Pupils coach Geoffrey Kiptala and first aider Vancy Kandagor asked county government to build training camps in the county to be at par with their competitor in other counties.

The duo also decried sorrow facilities in the county that has led budding talents of pupils go to waste.

Elsewhere, Ewalel Chapchap Member of County Assembly Ayub Kibet and Jeniffer Korir who represented the squad at the tournament led residents of Sesia in song and dance to celebrate Abigael Kipsang who was crowned the winner in Triple Jump nationally.

Mr. Ayub extolled her win and affirmed that his determination in ensuring her talent thrive for he has prioritized sports as top of his agendas in the ward.

In the just ended games, Rodgers Kipruto and Damaris Jepkoech from Baringo also won High jump boys and 5000 Race working respectively to represent the country in the upcoming athletics under 18 championships in Kigali, Rwanda.

By Alfred Kimosop

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