Here are the Eastern Region Drama Festivals results

French results


  1. Muthale Girls
  2. Kangaru School
  3. Kathiani Boys


  1. Kathiani Boys
  2. Mwaani
  3. Nguviu Boys


  1. Meru School
  2. Moi Mbiruri
  3. Ikuu Boys

Solo Verse

  1. St Mary’s Igoji
  2. Meru School
  3. Tumaini International

Choral Verse

  1. Mwaani Girls
  2. Chuka Girls
  3. Vuluweni Sec

Spoken Word 

  1. Barazani Girls
  2. Vuluweni Sec
  3. Kangaru School


  1. Nyangwa Boys
  2. Ititu girls
  3. Nuu Boys

Modern dance

  1. Kangaru School
  2. Maliku Girls
  3. St. Angela Girls


  1. Itumi day
  2. Chelezo School
  3. Salama Sec

Solo Dance

  1. Chelezo High

2.Moi Girls



  1. Ikuu Boys
  2. Kasikeu Sec
  3. Materi Girls

Cultural dance

  1. Moi Girls Marsabit
  2. Thitani Girls
  3. Kangaru Girls


  1. Mukuuni Boys
  2. Moi Girls Marsabit
  3. Kangaru School
  4. St. Mary’s Igoji

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