Headteachers urged to improve academic performances in respective schools

By Fredrick Odiero  

Seme Sub County Director of Education Mr. Japheth Odhiambo has called upon secondary school heads to focus on improving the academic performances in their schools and ensuring the success of the 100% transition policy from primary to secondary   schools.

He further called for prudent utilization of government funded infrastructure project funds to facilitate 100% transition.

Speaking in Busia during the 2nd Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) workshop, Odhiambo reminded principals to regularly update the NEMIS platform and continue following COVID -19 protocols.

‘Students and the staff should also maintain discipline for academic improvement and smooth running of schools,’ he said.

Sawagongo High school Chief Principal Mr. Maurice Ogutu said that an effective principal brings out excellent academic and co curriculum performance.

Mr. Nixon Owino, chief principal Ngere Boys High school, talked of subject workshops and joint exams as some of the ways to ensure academic improvements in schools in Seme sub county.

Mr. Steve Munyendo of County Schools Audit, said that secondary  school heads should acquaint themselves with International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) new systems for school accounting, financial planning procedures, procurement process and accounting for school infrastructure projects.

Seme Sub County TSC Director, Mr. Erick Magak urged school heads to embrace the management of TPAD.

‘TPAD is an important aspect in the TSC code of relations for teachers and must be taken seriously ‘ he said

Also present during the event was Mrs. Benter A. Ayacko, the Vice secretary of Seme KESSHA.

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