Headteacher commits suicide in his office

By Lydia Ngoolo 

Yanyonge Primary School fraternity is reeling in shock after the head teacher Kioko Mutie committed suicide in his office. 

Mwingi subcounty police commander Peter Mutuma said the body of the deceased was found dangling in his office. He reportedly left no suicide. The incident shocked teachers and pupils of the school in Mwingi Central subcounty of Kitui county. 

It’s suspected that the teacher, who was transferred to the school less than a year ago from his home county in Makueni, was badly affected by the delocalization. 

“On the fateful day, he is said to have gone to his office at around 3.40 pm after finishing his class lesson. Moments later he visited the toilet and shortly after that returned then locked the door,”  narrated a teacher who sought anonymity.

The teacher added that after 30 minutes the other teachers got curious and went to check on him only to find his dead body hanging on a manila rope from the roof.

Police who were called soon after combed the area and found his belt in the toilet. It is suspected that he had tried hanging himself in the latrine in vain.

Teachers and parents said he loved education and was strict on his time and lessons, but he was dissatisfied with the delocalization.

Surprisingly, he had vowed to improve the school performance  as clearly demonstrated in the few months he stayed in the school.

Mulinge Wambua, the area assistant chief noted that the teacher was full of life and showed no sign of depression. “So sad we have lost him when we had so much hopes in him,” said Mulinge.

A parent, Ester Munyoki pointed out that the teacher would always listen to parents with financial challenges, adding his death was a big blow to the community.

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