Head teacher assaulted by form one student

By Allan Kibet

The head teacher of Arundo Secondary School in Rongo, Migori County was recently attacked by a form one student who just joined the institution.

The culprit by the name Shem Otende assaulted the head teacher Mr. Kibiego Kephers after storming to his office and raining blows on him to a point where the tutor lost consciousness.

The Rongo Sub-county Education Director Odhiambo Siwo while confirming the incident said that the heinous act took place on 27th September 2021 at 1230 hours.

“The rogue student entered the school and headed straight to the Head teacher’s office, he attacked him and as a result the Head teacher lost consciousness,” Odhiambo said in a letter.

Mr. Biegon was immediately rushed to Nyamarambe Dispensary in Gucha South from where he was later transferred to Nyangena Private Hospital in Kisii town.   

After attacking the teacher, the student took off using a motorbike. Authorities are on a hot pursuit but he is still at large.  

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