Harmonize issuance of bursary funds to end duplication, Govt urged

North Imenti MP Rahim Dawood.

Leaders in Meru County have called on the national government to harmonize and manage all bursaries through the Ministry of Education in a bid to end duplication and spending on ghost students.

Speaking during the launch of the National Government Affirmative Action Funds (NGAAF) in Makutano Shopping Centre in Meru town, North Imenti MP Rahim Dawood said that the Ministry has the details of all learners and has better knowledge of deserving cases.

He said that the data of students being funded by MCAs, governors, MPs and Jomo Kenyatta Foundation among others should be centralized to avoid scenarios where some students get more than three bursaries while others get nothing.

Dawood regretted that bursaries issued to ghost students end up in the pockets of corrupt officials.

“We have cases of ghost students where funds are issued to non-existent learners only to end up in the pockets of corrupt officials. This must change with immediate effect,” he said.

“The centralization of the funds will benefit more beneficiaries. Many learners need bursaries in the county and this will help to regulate the disbursement. We don’t want any child in Meru to be sent home due to lack of fees because every needy child is entitled to a bursary,” he added.

Dawood called on the government to make secondary education free to realize a 100 percent transition from primary to secondary school.

Expressing similar sentiments, the County Woman Representative Elizabeth Kailemia regretted that duplication of bursary beneficiaries had forced many needy students to drop out of school.

However, she said that she has come up with a plan where they partner with school heads and Chiefs to spot the most deserving cases.

“I also give scholarships to needy cases instead of paying fees for them once. This will ensure nobody drops out of school in the course of study. I urge the church to intervene by buying uniforms and other items to lessen the burden on parents,” she said.

Kailemia further appealed to the government to increase the amount of bursary funds given to Women Representatives saying that they do not meet their target as many students require help, considering the current tough economic times.

By John Majau

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