Shamba boy defiles Grade 6 girl, kills her

Kisumu, assailants, schools, Tharaka, Mother

By Agnes Orang’o

A 29-year-old man has been arrested for brutally murdering a school girl aged 12 in Kanyonga, Masinga sub-county of Machakos County.

The man is said to have presented himself to the police after committing the heinous act.

The incident was confirmed by Eendei Assistant Chief Raphael Kyengo who noted that the man narrated to the police how he had killed the Grade Six girl after defiling her.

“He told the police that he stabbed her twice then hit her head with a jembe to ascertain she was dead before surrendering to the police,” he said.

Kyengo said the man has been working at the girl’s home as a shambaboy for four months now.

“The incident happened at around 4 pm at the girl’s home. The man said the girl has been accusing him of touching her indecently and that is why he murdered her,” added the chief.

The suspect is currently being detained at Kithyoko Police station awaiting arraignment in court.

At the time of publishing, the body of the girl had not yet been removed from the crime scene. Police are however at the scene and investigations have commenced.

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