Grief engulfs varsity as student found dead in room

Masinde Muliro

Police Officers in Kakamega have launched investigations into the death of a Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) student who was found dead in his rented apartment.

The officers were on June 18 informed by a concerned landlord to check on the student, his tenant, 21-year old Erick Siku Mambole, whom he had not seen for three days.

Upon arrival at the scene at around 8pm, they found the body on the bed with foam oozing from his mouth.

Police reports say the body did not have any visible injuries at the time it was removed to the mortuary pending autopsy.

Suicide cases have been alarmingly increasing in the country, with experts attributing the trend to mounting stress and depression.

The Kenyan National Commission of Human Rights estimates that 25 per cent of outpatients and 40 per cent of inpatients suffer from mental health conditions.

The most frequent diagnoses of mental illness in general hospital settings are depression, substance abuse, stress and anxiety disorders.

By Thuita Jaswant & Vostine Ratemo

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